Friday 28 December 2012

Uganda: crossing the border

The neutral zone.
I knew we were about to reach the border to Uganda after realizing the crazy traffic of lorrys, matatus, borabora (motorcycles in the local language, the Luganda) and bicycles taxis.

First I got my passport check by the Kenyan office, once I was leaving the country. After that, I was asked about my vaccination card (yellow booklet), which I didn't have with me and had to give some officers at the border a "contribution" of 5.000 ksh. Then I was allowed to line-up and get the visa for Uganda. It costed 45,000 ksh (approx. 45€).

So, Job and I crossed the border and could take the next matatu to Jinja.

Let's cross the border.
Guys out there, take you vaccination card everywhere. It will spare you same bribes.


Chaos of matatus, motorcycles, bicycles and lorrys.

Lorrys queuing along many kilometres at the border.

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