Friday 28 December 2012

Uganda and its capital Kampala

Now that I'm sitting in the bus leaving Kampala with destination Bukoba in Tanzania its time to write down the impressions I'm taking with me.
Entering Unganda. The Tororo rock.
Uganda the land of bananas and groundnuts. A green and chaotic country. The land of the Buganda Kings. Besides the local African people a considerable population of Indian and Arabs can be met in the country. Here one can hear many stories about the atrocities related to the political leaders.

Kampala and its contrasts are shocking. Slums and shopping mals, boraboras (motorcycle taxis) and classy cars.
Kampala viewed from the Minaret of the Gadaffi's Mosque.

Market in Kampala.
Here one can walk up the stairs of the minaret of the third biggest mosque in the world. It was presented to the town by Moamar Gadaffi and finished shortly before his dead. The Gadaffi mosque. A guided visit for wazungu (white men or non Africans) costs 10.000 ush (approx. 3€) and Africans enter for free.
Chandelier in the Gadaffi Mosque.
The Bugandan Kings are buried in Kampala in the Kisuko tombs. A guided tour costs 10.000 ush for wazungu and 2.000 ush for Africans (0,60 Ct). It's worthy seeing it.
Entrance to the Bugandan Kingdom.
Ugandan carvings.
The Ugandan museum, the parliament and a walk through the town can be very interesting and can give a feeling about the life in Kampala. We were l lucky to meet Kasule Haruna, a young man, who showed us the city.
At the bus station: leaving Kampala.
I'm leaving Kampala with mixed feelings about it. People is welcoming and live in an incredible poverty.
Being here was a great experience though. Indeed!


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