Friday 28 December 2012

Kiswahili or kibokuso?

Which language to speak when you are in Chwele, in the Western region of Kenya?

Chwele is a small town, approx. 2.000 inhabitants, and belongs to the Luhya territory. Luhya is one of the more the 70 tribes in Kenya and has 17 subtribes. The predominant subtribe in Chwele is called Bokuso and speaks kiBokuso.

Most of the people speak English due to the British colonial influence till 1963, when the country got independent. English is an official language.

Well! There is still kiSwahili, an african language with strong arab influence and the predominant East African language. Kiswahili is the second official one.

So!? Which language to speak down here? From my experience from being in many countries I always recommend to learn the local language. It makes things much easier, besides it open many doors when abroad.
Down here I'm talking English, improving my Kiswahili a lot and making jokes in Kibokuso.

Back to the textbook!

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