Friday 28 December 2012

On the Lake Victoria at the source of the Nile

Yes! I've been there!
The first stop in Uganda was in the town called Jinja. There is where the Lake Victoria flows into the Nile.
My friend Job and I at tthe source of the Nile.
It's a very touristic place and every pikipiki (motorcycle taxi) can bring one there. The entrance for non Africans costs 10,000 ush (approx. 3€) and my travel companion from Kenya paid only 2,000 ush. What really annoyed me!

The Victoria Lake.
One of the islands in the Victoria Lake.
Anyways, there are souvenir shops in the area, guides offering their services and boats which can take one to a ride in the river as well as in the lake. A half an hour long boat ride, for two people, costed 80,000 ush (approx. 23€). Its not a long ride but its worthy. One can see the monkeys, birds and the huge monitor lizards living around and from the lake.

We decided to take an guide with us, Simon, who told us about the history of how British explorers found the "source of the Nile" as well as some curiosities about it. At the end of the excursion I gave him a "contribution" of 10,000 ush and he was happy with that.

By the way, did you that the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi were thrown in that very source?

I recommend! If coming to East Africa is a "must see."
Pictures coming later ;)

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