Friday 28 December 2012

Christmas in a ferry on the Lake Victoria

Still in Chwele, before we started traveling my friend Job Matimbai told me we could take a ferry boat from Bukoba to Mwanza, on the Tanzanian part of Lake Victoria. I immediately said: Yes! We will do it! And it happened on Christmas day.

At the port in Bukoba we purchased the tickets (each 35,500 tsh, around 10€) for a cabin with beds (see pictures). Allegedly first class. Besides the passengers the ferry was transporting loads of bananas, some chickens, and other goods.

We left the harbor at 9pm. After two hours we made an stop at the harbor in Kemondo to load more bananas and reached Mwanza on the next morning at 7am.

It's was a very exciting experience specially for being Christmas.

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