Friday 14 December 2012

Too bad weather ... Flight canceled!

Oh yes! That happened!

After boarding, falling asleep and waking up in the for a couple of times all passengers had to leave it again and head to a hotel at the surroundings of the airport.

Reason?! Apparently the was too bad for taking off. Well!! Besides some snow lying on the ground I could see anything that could have stop us to start.
The nice hotel room  where I spent the last night.
Positive side: I could have a shower and some sleep in a cool hotel room. Negative one: I probably lost my day out in Addis Ababa since we are supposed to depart at 10am in the next day and all Ill be able to get is some hours in the local international airport.
The nice hotel room  where I spent the last night.
I had experience this before flying from Brazil to Germany with TAP. By then I had to spend a night in Lisbon.

Lets wait, keep calm and see how things develops. Can't wait to get into the plane... and have some sleep!!

Cheers up the flight everyone!

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