Friday 28 December 2012

Traveling in a matatu

Matatu at the border with Uganda.
Matatu, in Kenya, Daradara, in Tanzania and just Taxi, in Uganda, is the most common mean of transport in East Africa and nothing more than a small bus, a kind of van.

Since we left Chwele, in Kenya, early this morning, this is the third we are taking and there is still another one to take till we reach our final destination, Kampala in Uganda.

The advantage of a matatu is the price:
From Chwele to Bungoma, approx. 22km, we payed 70 ksh (0,7 Ct)
From Bungoma to Malaba (Ugandan border), approx. 25km, we payed 100 ksh (1€)
They are everywhere.
From Malaba to Jinja, approx. 150km, we payed 150,000 ush (4,4 €)

In such a small car they can squeeze till 20 people, plus luggage and even some coal sacs. Yes! I took them many times!

We keep hitting the road!

ksh = Kenyan shilling
ush = Ugandan shilling

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