Sunday 21 April 2013

This is Lithuania ... #thiislithuania

Lithuania together with Latvia and Estonia form the Baltic countries. Lithuania is the most south one. All the three countries belonged to the Soviet countries till the beginning of the 90s. Reminiscences of the the soviet systems can be recognized in the old block buildings, which still can be seen specially in the outskirts of the capital, Vilnius, and in the countryside.
Along the road from Vilnius to Alytus in Lithuania.

Today Lithuania belongs to the European Union. It's one of the countries, which kept theirs own currency, the Litas (symbol Lt.).
Street artist in Vilnius.
I was pretty much impressed by the landscape in the country, many small lakes, all of them still frozen in the middle of April, and many forests. The country is not very populated. Has its own language, the Lithuanian, although the Russian is spoken quite often, specially by the older population.
The countryside of Lithuania.
The country seem to be experiencing some development wave with the support of the EU right know. Travelling to through the countryside a could realize the very good quality of the roads and a good transportation system.
The countryside of Lithuania.
On the way back to Vilnius.
The two things I liked most in the country:
-Everything is very cheap compared to Central Europe. One get a lot for a few euros;
-People are very friendly and willing to help. They try to communicate with hands and feet if necessary to give some information;
- The many stork nests along the roads;
- Vilnius is a very sweet town;

Oops! There were four!

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