Sunday 21 April 2013

A day in Alytus with Jitka

In the first day visiting Jitka, we went through Alytus for me to get a feeling of the town. To see the people, try the food and for me to listen to the language (yes! I like doing this!).
(Inter-)National feeling.
We used the time to have a long chat and report about all the things that have happened in our lives since we saw last time, one and a half years ago, and about the plans for the future.

Street life in Alytus.

City center in Alytus.

We went for a long walk through the town for me to get an impression of it. We crossed the city park and had a great fun in the playground. The perfect time for some pictures.
The monument "angel of freedom" Nike.
With Jitka in the park in Alytus.
In the park in Alytus.
A good hint: the local food and the 5,6% bier.
The tasty strong bier with 5,6% alcohol.

We also visited the Ethnographic Museum of Alytus (Alytaus Kraštotyros Muziejus) and the St. Guardians Angek's Church.
The Alytus museum of ethnography (Alytaus Krastotyros Muziejus).
Weaving and textiles in the Alytus Museum of Ethnography (Alytaus Krastotyros Muziejus).
St. Guardians Angel's Church (Sv. Angelu Sargu baznycia). 
St. Guardians Angel's Church (Sv. Angelu Sargu baznycia). 
Oh! And we finished the day in the cinema.
It was a great day!

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