Sunday 21 April 2013

Heading back to Vilnius

After a two days in Alytus I said goodbye to Jitka early this morning and took the bus back to Vilnius.
Got up at 6:00 a.m. and run to the central bus station of Alytus. Unexpectedly, it was pretty cold in the morning. The ticket costed 22Lts (approx. 6 EUR) and took one and a half hour.
I bought my ticket, sat in he bus and enjoyed the ride.
In the bus on the way to Vilnius.
From the bus: such a beautiful morning.
Right now sitting in the, listening to some good music (twitter: @Imanyofficiel) and enjoying the sunshine and the amazing Lithuanian landscape. A good moment for considering and reflecting on the turns life is about to give. It feels good.
A small town on the country side, Lithuania.
Outstanding landscape, Lithuania.
Lithuanian landscape.
My bus in Vilnius in the central bus station.
Cheers everyone!

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