Sunday 21 April 2013

Vilnius: the fastest sightseeing ever!

After saying goodbye to Jitka I left Alytus early this morning and headed with the express bus back to Vilnius.

Since I had just a few hours till my flight back to Munich, I gave my luggage in the luggage deposit (3Lt = 1€ per luggage) at the bus station and headed to the city center right away.

Vilnius impressed me with its classic and well-preserved building. There is not much of the Soviet touch through the old blocks, which are more frequently seen in the outskirts of the town.
Beautiful classic buildings in the Sodu gatve. on the train station square. 
View from the Vilnius All Saints Church (Viniaus Visu Sventuju parapija).
It was very cold in the morning but the amazing sunshine was just perfect to have a walk through the old town of Vilnius. I even sat in the park to eat a snack.
Geminidas Tower in the upper castle)

Geminidas Tower in the upper castle)
Modern side of Vilnius (View from the Gediminas Tower  of the  upper castle).
Old town (View from the Gediminas Tower  of the  upper castle).
Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Lietuvos valdovu numai).
Backyard in the old town. Vilnius.

Backyard in the old town.Vilnius.

Vilnius reminded me a bit of Prague, with the small shops, traditional food and products, and the street artists.
The sweetness of Vilnius.
Typical picture of Vilnius old town: sweet grandma selling wool socks.
Now in the Vienna International Airport waiting for the last flight home. It's going to get late!!
Vilnius airport (Vilniaus oro uostas)
Cheers everyone!

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