Sunday 21 April 2013

Jitka Dunger: who's that girl?

As I mentioned in some post before I came to Lithuania to visit this friend of mine, Jitka. The deal was to visit her before she would return to Germany in Mai. So here I am!!
Jitka under a pet's skin.
Let me tell a little about her!
I met this young little lady almost ten years ago, after I moved to Freiberg in Saxony. Her mom, Corina, was the coordinator of the PhD program I was accepted in, used to take her little daughter once in a while to some of the events with the international Phd students. We got close friends and now, ten years later, we have a lot of stories to tell.
Jitka in Alytus.
Jitka is now 19, finished the high school last year and decided to go to a foreign country to do some voluntary work. She's been living in Lithuania alone for a few months and working as social assistant taking care of children, between 6 and 13 months old, all coming from socially problematic families.
What did move her to leave everything behind and accept this challenge?
In her own words:
Playing in the park.
"Since the 8th class, I was 14 by then, I wanted to go to a foreign country, get in touch with a different culture and learn a foreign language. I didn't want to go straight to the university after the school and thought about doing some social work. My first choice was Russia, but It was really hard to get a chance there, so after some further research and a few attempts I came to Lithuania with the support of the International Youth Voluntary Service, which is connected to the International Red Cross."
On the top!
Soon Jitka will be back home with the plan of starting the studies in Sport Therapy, possibly, in the Humboldt University in Berlin.

This young lady is such an example of determination and dedication and has given me some lessons about it lately.

All the best sweetie!

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