Monday 8 April 2013

More than just an advertisement

I still remember the first time I saw this advertisement of the German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" in the cinema.
I got so fascinated by its 47s of beauty, the music, the images and specially the poem from Martin Kießling. 

Just decided to make a simple post of it to share! 

The Poem (in German)
Du kannst so Vieles erst verstehen
Wenn du dir selbst die Neugier lässt

Wer Augen schliesst um Schönes nur zu sehen
Der wird den Blinden gleich und Vieles ihm entgehen
Von all dem weltgewordenem Rest

Gestatte dir, dich hinzuneigen
Zu dem, was dich zur Frage drängt

Das ist uns Menschen seltsam eigen
Drum möge man uns bitte zeigen
Wie alles stets zusammenhängt
(Martin Kießling)

I tried to translate it into English. The result follows and I hope it make some sense.
The poem (in English)
You can only understand many things
When you open yourself to the curiosity

The one, who closes his eyes to see only the beautiful
He becomes equal to the blind and many things will pass him by
From all the rest, that also became part of the world

Allow yourself to lean towards
To the things, that urges you to question

This is a strange peculiarity of the human beings
So, may one please show us
How everything is steadily interrelated
(Martin Kießling)

Cheers everyone!

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