Monday 1 April 2013

Dublin was great!

Time to leave!

Like always "time passed too fast" and the Easter holidays are over. Loved the young and crazy atmosphere of the town, the "pubs lifestyle" including the Irish music.
I'll definitely miss the beauty of the town and the friendly Irish people. Even the weather meant it good with us.

Cheers everyone!

Irish music in the pub #thisisireland.

The pub lifestyle.

Pubs and the Irish colours are everywhere.


The Irish colours in the train station.

St. Augustine and St. John Catholic Church.

Delicious Potato soup in the Cafe of the History National Museum.

The place where we stayed, the Abigail's hostel, was ideal. good price, friendly personnel, very central, right at the river Liffey, and a perfect place to get in touch with other travellers. Thumbs up!
Abigail's Hostel reception.

Lounge of the Abigail' Hostel.
Definitely, I'll go back to the land of Molly Malone!

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