Monday 8 July 2013

Marajó island: how to get there?

The Marajó is located in the state of Pará in the Northern region of Brazil. With approx. 40.000 km2 its the biggest fluvial island on the world. Even bigger than Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium.
"This island is a piece of Rain forest in the middle of the Amazon river."

To explore the beauties of the Marajó Island we had to wake up early and take the ferry from Belém at the docks at 6am.

The 3 hours journey to harbor in the city Camará, on the Marajó island, costed 21,72R$ (7,50€)

After reaching the harbor in Camará we got a bus to the capital of the island, Soure.
We were recommended to take the bus line from Edgar, a nice guy, who book a pousada (hostel) for us during the journey. From Camará to Soure takes 1 hour with the bus and costs 12,00R$ (approx. 4€).
And crossing the river Paracauari between Salvaterra and Soure.

It was a real adventure to reach the island in the jungle, or is it, the jungle on the island?
About the beauties of Marajó in the next posts!

Any advice? Ask!
Cheers peeps!

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