Thursday 4 July 2013

Having lessons in the jungle

Here we are, making new friends and having geography and history lessons on a boat on the way to the rain forest in Pará, more exactly in the surroundings of Belém.
Getting to know about plants, fruits, rivers, legends and about the people.
Pick up cacau and try it! Yes! From the seed of this fruit is made chocolate.

Learning to open a Pará nut and ...
... to climb an Açaí tree with our "70 years old" host in the jungle.
Here I am showing my skills on climbing Acai palm trees. Success!
Getting in touch with the local fauna...
...and flora, under the shade of the 35m hight Sumaúma (Sequoia). Still a baby!

One lesson couldn't miss in the rain forest: how to extract latex from a Seringueira (rubber tree).

Awesome day in the rain forest with a great guide, Edilson, and the new friends, Stavi and Kaji.
That's what traveling is supposed to be about.

Cheers peeps!

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