Tuesday 23 July 2013

Guaraná and Jambú, a gastronomic adventure

Two nice, and above all exotic, gastronomic experiences one can have in the northern region of Brazil.

In Salvaterra, at the side of the river Paracauari, I ordered a guaraná, intending to have a sparkling Brazilian beverage know by this name. For my surprise I got a kind of ice cream shake with Guaraná, cashew nuts, granola and another grains. Delicious and extremely caloric. This is how it looks like!
Also very common in the local gastronomy is the use of Jambú, a green leave, to prepare dishes like Tacacá and Pato no Tucupí. The curiosity about this leave, is that your tongue will get numb by chewing it.
In the local markets one can find a schnapps made out of Jambú. It's name: "shock".
The food and drinks in the Brazilian northern region are very exotic and definitely worth discovering. Being around just try it?

Keep up everyone!

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