Wednesday 3 July 2013

Rivers, Furos and Igarapés

To explore the Guajará Bay with its rivers,  Igarapés, Furos (holes) and islands is a unique experience even though you may have to wake up at 4am for that.
To observe the hundreds of parrots waking up and leaving the "Parrots Island" is an experience for life. They keep "dancing" above the island for almost an hour before flying to the sun rising.
A significant part of the population of Belém live along the rivers, Igarapés (indigenous word for "narrow water way only navigable with a canoe), Furos and islands.
In any of all the places I've been is life connected to the water.
Ordinary houses, schools, hotels as well as bars and clubs grow between water and jungle.

The characteristic vegetation in the bay: the mangroves...
... and the the Açaí palm trees.
The state of Pará, in the North region of Brazil, is a journey worthy.

Help? Contact!

P.S.: Now sitting in the ferry on the back to Belém from the Marajó Island. Tell more later.

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