Sunday 18 August 2013

The Danube and other wonders

Yes! Bratislava is definitely a trip worthy!
It's my second day in here and I keep getting more excited about this town.
There is always something new to discover around the next corner

The new bridge (Novy Most) is one of the best examples of its modern side.
From the river side, the Danube (Dunaj) one can have another perspective from the town. Walk and bicycle ways are available and well signed.

The Župné Námestie (Župné square) is another pretty nice corner of the Old Town with the Kapucínsky kostol Sv. Stefana (Capuchin church and monstery St. Stephen).
Another special spot in Bratislava is the Kostol Sv. Alžbety (Curch of St. Elizabeth) also known as  Modry Kostolík (Blue church). It's a Hugarian Secessionist catholic church. Take a look at the pictures and you will see why Blue church. 

It's been pretty much exciting to literally explore Bratislava and picture some of the impressions I've got.

Now sitting in the train on the way back to Germany and not really willing to do it. 

Needing some hint, be welcome!
Cheers peeps!

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