Sunday 18 August 2013

Adventuring in the outskirts of Bratislava: the Sandberg

For those, which enjoy some hiking and nature the outskirts of Bratislava are also a good option. Hiking in the Sandberg and visiting the Hrad Devín (Devin Castle) are definitely incredible experiences.
Well the adventure can start by taking the bus 28 on the way to the neighbor town, Devín. The bus station is located under the Novy Most (new bridge) at the side of the old town.
The journey along the Danube (Dunaj) will take approx. 20 min.

There are two ways to get up on the Sandberg: the hard and the easy one.

For the "hard one" get out in the bus stop "Sandberg" and ask some grandma by the road how to get there. She will pronounce something in Slovak and point to the bushes. In this situation I looked back to her with an skeptical expression, but she kept showing to the bushes. And there I went! 
Lets go to the easy way: get out at the next bus stop, " Na hriadkach", take the street to the right at the bus stop and turn right again up hill and that's it.
The Sandberg is a protected area of natural and archeological importance. It belongs to the Devínska Kobyla, part of the Little Carpathians mountain range.

A great place for hiking with an awesome view.
And also a place to make friends.Thanks to Matej for the picture. Good job!

About the Hrad Devín (Devin Castle) in the next post.

Cheers peeps!

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