Tuesday 26 November 2013

Of how I met Jeremie and Rita

To get to know new people and make new friends is one of the best things in traveling. People you've never met before but with whom you immediately develop some kind of connection, with whom you feel like sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, getting advises from and even doing some travelling together. It's reassuring!
Rita and Jeremie on the ferry from Rossaveal (Ros an Mhíl) to Inishmore (inis Mór).
Recently, while travelling in Ireland and Northern Ireland, I got to know these awesome guys. I met Rita and Jeremie while on my way from Galway to the Aran Islands, in Ireland. I came to the bus stop and ask this young couple if this would be the right bus to reach the ferry to the islands, what they confirm immediately. The guy, Jeremie as I got to know later, sayd he'd go for a coffee and asks me if I would like to have one. Although a bit surprised with the unexpected offer I accepted. He left and I kept talking to the girl, Rita. Once he comes back I had to inquire him why did he offer me the coffee just like, out of nothing, without even knowing me. His answer:

"Many people we don't know do good things to us and we do good things to other people, as well."
Jeremie on the ferry.
That was enough for me to know I'd get along well with those guys. We kept talking in the bus on the way to Rossaveal (Ros an Mhíl) and in the ferry, from there to Inishmore (Irish Inis Mór), the largest of the Aran Islands (Oileáin Árann). Rita, irish, lived for around 10 years in Marseille, France, where she met Jeremie, which is originally from that city.
Rita on the ferry.
I got some hints from them about where to go and what to do on the Island. They told where they came from and how they ended up living in Inishmore for a few months. After I told them I was originally Brazilian, they demonstrated a huge curiosity about the country, specially about they rain forest. So, we got enough stuff to talk about during the journey.
Getting to know Rita and Jeremie on the ferry.
Once we reached the harbor of Inishmore it was time to say goodbye. Jeremie and Rita still invited me to stop by and have a coffee at their place after my cycling tour on the island.

Having an vague idea of were they lived I decided to pass by and have that coffee before leaving. It wasn't easy but I managed to find their house, and for my surprise, such an unexpected place. A one round room stony house, almost disappearing in the middle of the vegetation house and not far away from beach. Awesome!

Rita and Jeremie's house.
After announcing my arrival, Rita and Jeremie, kindly invited me to enter their "living room, kitchen, bedroom and kitchen". We had another nice chat involving the island, the fairies living on the islands and plans for Christmas. Well, I left them with the promise they'd get a postcard from Munich with my address in Africa. Who knows I get a postcard from them once I'm there? or maybe an unexpected visit?
Rita and Jeremie at their house on Inishmore (Inis Mór).
Jeremie "Chapeau" and Rita Marharg it's been a huge pleasure to meet you along the way!


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