Saturday 9 November 2013

Cliffs of Moher (Aillte an Mhothair): hold on tight once you're there

Will and I headed to the Cliffs of Moher (irish Aillte an Mhothair) in the county Clare, at the west coast of Ireland after leaving Leitrim.
Cliffs of Moher ( Aillte an Mhothair).
We drove past Galway and headed southwest through the landscape of Burren (irish An Bhoireann) which means "stony place".
Tipycal landscape in Burren (An Bhoireann).
Ruins in the landscape in Burren (An Bhoireann).
Danguire Castle in Kinvara (irish Cinn Mhara), county Galway.
The cliffs of Moher are one of the most famous natural attractions of Ireland. The view from the cliffs is breathtaking.

Clliffs of Moher (Aillte an Mhothair), county Galway.
The entrance fee for adults costs 4€ including the parking. There is a souvenir and a coffee shop on the top of the cliff.
lliffs of Moher (Aillte an Mhothair), county Galway.
They stretch a few kilometers along the coast and reach heights between 120 and 240m.
A great place for kids to play.
On the top of it the wind coming from the Atlantic Ocean gets such a power and speed after hitting the cliffs, that can rips one off of the ground.
One of the most impressive places I've ever been. It's so massive, and strong, and beautiful. It makes one feel somehow small in front of so much "grandness."

Definitely recommended!

Hold on tight everyone!

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