Wednesday 4 December 2013

Kilkenny: the last stop in Ireland

After the great tour on Inishmore (Inis Mór) I headed back to Dublin to meet Travis Elenitsky and have a couple of beers in the "fair city." From there we took the bus next day to Kilkenny (Irish Cill Chainnigh) with no specific plan. Just intending to have a good time.
Gate of the St. Canice's Cathedral in Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh).
Once there we discovered the city's very medieval atmosphere best recognizable in Kilkenny castle, St. Canice's Cathedral, the Rothe House and the Black Abbey.
Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh) Castle.
A 12th century castle remodeled in the Victorian time.
The Kilkenny Castle.
Pano of the Kilkenny Castle and its gardens. Oh! and that black point right on the pic is Travis.
But who is Travis?
Travis is originally from California, USA, and has been traveling around the world since Mai/13. I first got to know him through Couchsurfing, when he came Munich in Juli/13 and crashed on my spare mattress for a few nights. A few weeks later he came back to Munich to party on Oktoberfest. After that we ended up meeting again in Ireland, now in Kilkenny, and the next plan is to meet in Nairobi next January, after I move to Kenya.
Kids having fun on the Kilkenny Castle' gardens.
River Nore (Irish An Fheoir) view from Kilkenny Castle.
St. Canice's Cathedral
it has been a site for Christian worship led by St. Canice in the 6th century, the Cathedral was erected in the 13th century.
Graveyard at the St. Canice's Cathedral.
A real medieval feeling through the B&W lenses. I specially like the Irish crosses (Irish cros Cheilteach) with their unique and very characteristic design.
 The St. Canice's Cathedral.
Travis' shadow at the St. Canice's Cathedral.
At the St. Canice's Cathedral.
Kilkenny like all the other Irish cities hat what Ireland's has to offer best, pubs and good bier. On the Parliament Street there a few options, literally, in a row: The Pumhouse, Lohs Restaurant, John Cleere, Brewery Corner and Phelans.

Pubs on the Parliament Street, Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh)
The Rothe House is essential part of the history of Kilkenny. Built in 1594 by John Rothe, the merchant's townhouse consists of three houses with courtyards.
Interior of the Rothe House.
Roof of the first House in the complex of the Rothe House.
Many artifacts of the history of the city are exposed in the museum in the Rothe House.
Passage between the first and the second house.
Well, Kilkenny was the last stop in my round trip in Ireland and Northern Ireland. It was definitely a great choice to see some of those countries, to meet my friends, visit incredibly beautiful landscapes and to experience the Irish warmth. I can only recommend! One day, in case Ill be back to Europe, I will definitely come back to the fair city on the island of green.

Hope you enjoyed as much as I did and feel like visit Ireland and Northern Ireland as well.

Cheers peeps!

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