Thursday 9 May 2013

German Democratic Republic: a time travel

While visiting friends in Saxony last time, my dear friends Anja, Marina an Frauke,  had the great idea to visit the DDR Museum Zeitreise (GDR time travel museum). This museum is the biggest one on the East Germany lifestyle I've been, even bigger than the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum in Leipzig.

The very typical East German pedestrian traffic light
with the Ampelmännchen (little traffic light man).
The DDR Museum Zeitreise ist located in the Wasastr. 50, in the city Radebeul in the surroundings of Dresden, the capital of Saxony. An adult entrance fee in the museum costs 7,50€  plus 1,00 to photo permission, optional of course.
Furniture of a bomb shelter.
Furniture of a bomb shelter ... ant the bomb itself.

The immense exposition of the museum is scattered in the four floors of the old and GDR typical apartment block in the Wasastrasse. Each section is a true reproduction of the everyday life in East German: the post office, living room, supermarket, the toy store, the medical practice, and many more.
In the post office.
Reproduction of a supermarket.
The very famous GDR TV figure, the Sandmann, can also be seen in the DDR Museum Zeitreise.
The Sandmann.
And who doesn't know the Trabant? The Trabant was the "MINI" from East Germany. The most famous East German automotive. Many people say the "car made of cardboard", but actually its exterior was made of a cellulose based composite material. Nowadays the Trabant is a rare and expensive collector's object mainly in the ex-East German states..
The Trabant.
And what is left from many after the fall of the wall
DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik).
The peoples`police (Volkspolizei).

More of the GDR transportation section.

The unexpected visit to the DDR Museum with Anja, Marina and Frauke was a great surprise and the best way to end my weekend in Saxony.
Maybe next time in Berlin...who knows!
Cheers everyone!

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