Wednesday 22 May 2013

Pictures from Lithuania: the ones I like most!

I was pretty happy about the pictures I was able to take in Lithuania, specially those presented here. Its always an amazing feeling to have the opportunity to get to know a different environment and pass it further somehow. In this case, through my pictures.
Outskirts of Alytus.

While visiting my friend Jitka in Lithuania I've been to Alytus, one little town south west from the capital Vilnius.

Outskirts of Alytus. Lithuania.

In the industrial area in the outskirts of Alytus. The presence of the Soviet influence could be seen in some abandoned industry buildings on in the still inhabited old apartment blocks.

Abandoned building in Alytus. Lithuania.

I could experiment with my lenses and films from this amazing app, the Hipstamatic, and got great results.

Jitka in Alytus. Lithuania.

The "angel of freedom" in Alytus. Lithuania.

In the park in Alytus. Lithuania

In the graveyard at the St. Guardians Angel`s
church in Alytus. Lithuania.

An ancient Lithuania house in the Alytus Museum
of Ethnography. Lithuania

Industrial area in Alytus. Lithuania.

The sunrise as I left Alytus. Lithuania.

I left Alytus early in the morning to Vilnius with the plan of spending a few hours in the capital of the country and get some impressions of it.

Street artist in the capital Vilnius. Lithuania.

Vilnius impressed me with its classic and well-preserved building. There is not much of the Soviet touch through the old blocks, which are more frequently seen in the outskirts of the town.

Grandma selling her self knitted wool socks.

Hope you enjoyed!
Cheers everyone!

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