Monday 15 February 2016

#TravelInAWeeVideo #1: Maasai singing on the road

Almost everywhere I go I used to record some small videos showing some real action where I am in that moment. Recently I decided put those video fragments together and editing into small sequences. Since by now I have a little collection of them, I just decided to make something out of it. It doesn't make much sense just keep them. So, I'm creating the section labeled #TravelInAWeeVideo to publish them on "WAYFARER and AWESEEKER."

So, to start the section I've chosen a great video I've recorded while living with the Maasai in Kenya. This is a great one! After a few beer on the way from the nearest city to the Maasai village, where I lived, my local fiends just engaged on some Maasai singing in the car.

100% badass stuff! Huge fun! And an unique experience in life. I felt so privileged!
Miss my Maji Moto family!
Awe for the seeker!

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