Thursday 2 January 2014

What about Trondheim itself?

After roaming around Trondheim during the first three days in the city we start exploring it and trying to figure out what to do for the New Year's Eve.
About the city: Trondheim is the third most populated city and the fourth 
metropolitan area in Norway. It is situated at the Trondheimførd and crossed by the river Nidelva.
The most remarkable fact about Trondheim for a visitor is the essentially wood based architecture.
The typical old storehouses by the Nidelva river and many bridges give the town kinda "wooden Firenze" feeling.
Actually this is a general fact about Norway, or maybe even about all northern countries, since inexperienced the same in Lithuania.
The Old Town Bridge (Norwegian Gamle Bibro) is another wooden ornament of Trondheim. It was built Nidelva river strategically, connecting the Old Town and the Kristianten Festning.

Uphill and also very central situated is the Kristiansten Festning (Kristiansten fortress) built in the end of 17th century.
Once standing on fortress walls we got a nice view from the city including harbor and the Trondheimførd.

The predominately gothic Nidarosdomen (Nidaros cathedral) in Trondheim is one of the main spots for visitors to check.

In a walk through the city and along the Nidelva there are plenty of things to do and see in Trondheim, e. g.:
- a stop at the NTNU, Norwegian Universty of Science and Technology (Norwegian Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet);
- have some food in Egon Restaurant on the top of the Tyholt tower (Norwegian Tyholttårnet) and enjoy a great view of the city;
-have a look at monk's islet (Norwegian Munkholmen), the fortress in the middle of the Trodheimfjørd. It can be seen from the harbor;
- see the crown jewelry in the Archbishop's Palace Museum;
-and being there for New Years Eve go party in the pub Three Lions. Fun guaranteed!

Well! Discover yourserlf a bit more on your own and don't forget to leave the hint.

Trondheim and surroundings were a travel worthy, even though the sun come out only for four hours.

Cheers peeps!

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