Sunday 5 January 2014

Photographing the other side of Trondheim

Below you guys will find a little collection of random photographed I took while roaming around in Trondheim, Norway. They show some graffits, alternative advertisement and funny stuff.
The Norwegians are at a first glimpse very relaxed people and maybe a bit distant. But after the first first greeting word being pronounced they really friendly and helpful.
Imagine a in Germany living expat Brazilian traveling to Norway. This is how I felt. To be that far north on the globe gave the kinda "Fuck I made it this far! Baaam!" feeling.

The NO THANKS! (Nei takk!) picture.
Putting that kind of stickers at their bells people signalize they are not interested in having their post boxes filled up with advertisement, catalogs, flyers, etc.
I think this poster was related to the "Movember" mustache campaigns.
Windy, windy Trondheim.

Parking area ... for bicycles.
I baptized the next one "the suspicious grandma."
The next one is for the Star Wars fans.

"We wish you everybody a good new year."

Cheers lovely peeps!

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