Wednesday 18 December 2013

Homeless and employed! Starting over with "Over The Rhine"

"Changes come to turn my wold around" is part of the refrain of a song from Over The Rhine, one of my favorite bands. These guys are from Ohio, Cincinnati.

I've been singing and listening to this refrain quite often lately. It kinda describes the moment I've been through since I decided to change life radically and follow my ideals and not the ideals someone else stabilished to be mine. Since then there are so many things happening simultaneously, loads of thoughts crossing my head, decisions to take and surely great changes to come.

What is the first thing to do when you decide to travel around the world? When you will spend some years in Africa doing charity work? Yeah! You first start quitting the job, giving back the flat you live in and getting rid of all unnecessary stuff accumulated along the years. Baam! There is where I am. My life is now reduced to one luggage and two rucksacks. And you wanna know how it feels? Awesome, light and free. This may scary some people at first, but deep inside most of us, we are all longing for this feeling and wishing to be able to do the same.

On my way home, after last day at the office, I felt like getting rid of this immense load off my shoulders. A load accumulated along many many years. A load I no longer could bear. A load of limitations, uncertainty, conflicts with myself and discontentment. I decided not to have it anymore. I decided to change it. This is how it works! Every single human being is responsible for its own happiness. Happiness is a decision! Fact!

Im changing my life by following what fulfills me, makes me happy and what gives my life a sense. I'm glad at all I reached the point in my existence when I'm able to see and understand it, when I accepted it, and above all, when I have the courage to leave all that I've built  to follow it. The courage to start over! To learn, to change, to evolve, TO LIVE!

Light and love to everyone and see you along the way.


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