Tuesday 1 January 2013

Mum, I saw a Maasai!

The Maasai can be seen from the Ngorongoro National Park, towards the border between Tanzania and Kenya, and along all the way to Nairobi. Most of the time they are trading in their markets or looking after their goats or cattle along the road.

Such an interesting folk! Wrapped in their red blankets (shuka in Kiswahili), bold headed, men as well as women, wearing colorful beads and tire rubber sandals (the akala shoes) and holding their shepard sticks these guys look like out of a comic book.

I had the pleasure to meet some of them and take some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Like like like your blog :-)

    ps: Don't you find it hilarious how you have to hop on and off the bus at the East African borders and walk across to the next country! :-)
