Wednesday 2 January 2013

Back in Nairobi

In a small bus we left Moshi in Tanzania and headed back to Nairobi after crossing the border. With the "one entry" visa I got at the Nairobi as I first entered the country was possible to re-enter without any problem, as they informed previously at the airport.

The whole journey all the way from Moshi took around 7 hours, including 2 or 3 stops and the time at the border. The bus ticket costed 30,000 tsh (approx. 15€) per person.

I had 3 full days available to explore Nairobi, meet Gladys, the crazy girl who helped me out as I first landed in the country, to buy some presents for the friends and, last but not least, celebrate the upcoming New Year's Eve.

-Nairobi National Museum is worth visiting. Locals and foreigners residents pay 100 ksh (less than 1€) entrance fee. For us wazungu (foreigners non residents) it costs 800 ksh (7€)
-For shopping and partying the best places are in Westland Land. A few shopping malls and night clubs are concentrated in the area. Costs are generally lower than in Europe.
-For African stuff like carvings, colorful fabrics and souvenirs in general the best place is the "Maasai market". Check out on the Internet for the locations. It is in different places depending on the week day.
-Try the park: giraffe center and the Nairobi National Park. I still didn't manage to see them and can give more detail.

As usual, a few shots follow! Enjoy a bit of Nairobi.

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