Monday 30 December 2013

Mum, I saw a reindeer!

The third road trip in the surroundings of Trondheim. This time heading up north to see stone-age carvings, waterfalls and reindeers.

Steinkjer was the first destination of the day. From there to the "reindeer of Bøla" (Norwegian Bølareinen), which are the rock carvings in the forest in Bøla.
The one showing a reindeer is the best preserved of all, allegedly, stone-age old carvings.
The engraved rocks are located in the middle of a pine forest practically under a waterfall of the river Bøla. The lake Ståsa (Norwegian Ståsavatnet) is only a few hundred meters far. So, a very beautiful scenario.

Although the day was rainy and cold, we drove further north for more waterfalls. For our surprised we passed by some reindeer farm at the Ståsavatnet.
Really cool to see them in the nature!

A few kilometers further, between the villages of Ståsa and Grong, we arrived at the Formofossen waterfalls, a real spectacle of the nature.

It's been amazing traveling in Norway and being able to see such wonders.

Well! We finished the day eating a good pizza in Steinkjer.

Enough of road trips. The last days will be spent in Trondheim, including New Year's Eve. Party!

Sunday 29 December 2013

Driving through the mountains and islands in Norway

From Kristiansund we headed west towards the Norwegian Sea making stops in small islands. The villages of Averøy and Kårvåg are situated on the first of them.

Entering the island from Kristiansund direction Averøy we (three people with the car) payed a toll of 161,0 NOK (approx.19,0 €).

We drove on small bridges, passing by bays, fjørds and islands, some frozen lakes and along the foot of some mountains covered by snow. Spectacular!

A stop to see a Stavkirke (stave church), a typical Nordic wooden church, south from Averøy was definitely worthy. Something very far from my South American and Central European concept of church.


Norway is a country of impressive natural beauties. To visit the country durin the summer, with more hours of daylight and higher temperatures, would be ideal.
Here my best HipsPics of the day.

Tomorrow the plan is to head north for stone-age carvings and waterfalls.

Oh! We still didn't give up on the northern lights :)

Saturday 28 December 2013

Norway and the wooden houses

So far, two full days in Norway exploring the central part of the country and trying to make the best out of the 5 hours daylight.
With a rent car we, Anja, Frauke and I, managed to do short road trips and visit the cities Røros, Kristiansund an its surrounding islands, as well as, great landscapes along the Norwegian western coast.
The city of Røros in the county Sør-Trøndelag, not far from the border to Sweden, was famous for the mining activities and is also known as Bergstaden (the mining city).
The typical Norwegian wooden houses are also predominant here. It reminded me of the architecture I've seen in the countryside of Lithuania.
Once in Røros I had to think about my German hometown, Freiberg, for being also traditionally connected to the mining.
Through the road E39 from Trondheim we had to take the ferry between Halsa and Kanestraum to reach Kristiansund. The ferry leaves hourly and take 20 min to connect both point. Price for a car and three people 148,0 NOK (approx. 17,0 €).

Kristiansund, on the west from Trondheim, is a very pictoresc harbor city composed by a few islands.

Wether in the countryside, or at the coast, the wooden houses are the most characteristic part of Norway. Besides the Norwegian pullovers and the reindeers, of course.

At the Varde, the highest point in Kristiansund.
From Kristiansund we headed further towards the Norwegian Sea crossing small islands an villages like Averøy, Bruhagen and Kårvåg. Beautiful! More detail and a few pics in the next post.

P. S.: now sitting in the car a heading north to see prehistoric paintings on the rocks.

Cheers peeps!

Thursday 26 December 2013

Arrival in Trøndelag

Anja, Frauke and I landed safe and sound in Trondheim, in the county Sør-Trøndelag and easily got into town with the city bus from the airport in Værnes.
The trip took along the Trøndheimsfjord took half an hour and costed 130,0 NOK (15,45€)

Maybe it's important to remind that Norway is not a member of the European Union, furthermore, the local currency is not the Euro (€) but the Norwegian Kroner (NOK). Exchange ratio today1€ = 8,42 NOK.

On route to Norway

I didn't plan any further trip in Europe after being in Ireland in November but, unexpectedly, my dear friends Anja and Frauke just came up with the idea to spend New Years eve in Trondheim (Norwegian Trøndelag), Norway.
Since I haven't been to Scandinavia before and wasn't counting on visiting any part of it before I leave Europe next January it's going to be great to see the Fjords and, with some luck, the northern lights. A perfect farewell trip!
Now sitting in the bus ( and heading from Dresden to the Schönefeld airport in Berlin and from there taking the direct flight to Trondheim.

Along the way again!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Homeless and employed! Starting over with "Over The Rhine"

"Changes come to turn my wold around" is part of the refrain of a song from Over The Rhine, one of my favorite bands. These guys are from Ohio, Cincinnati.

I've been singing and listening to this refrain quite often lately. It kinda describes the moment I've been through since I decided to change life radically and follow my ideals and not the ideals someone else stabilished to be mine. Since then there are so many things happening simultaneously, loads of thoughts crossing my head, decisions to take and surely great changes to come.

What is the first thing to do when you decide to travel around the world? When you will spend some years in Africa doing charity work? Yeah! You first start quitting the job, giving back the flat you live in and getting rid of all unnecessary stuff accumulated along the years. Baam! There is where I am. My life is now reduced to one luggage and two rucksacks. And you wanna know how it feels? Awesome, light and free. This may scary some people at first, but deep inside most of us, we are all longing for this feeling and wishing to be able to do the same.

On my way home, after last day at the office, I felt like getting rid of this immense load off my shoulders. A load accumulated along many many years. A load I no longer could bear. A load of limitations, uncertainty, conflicts with myself and discontentment. I decided not to have it anymore. I decided to change it. This is how it works! Every single human being is responsible for its own happiness. Happiness is a decision! Fact!

Im changing my life by following what fulfills me, makes me happy and what gives my life a sense. I'm glad at all I reached the point in my existence when I'm able to see and understand it, when I accepted it, and above all, when I have the courage to leave all that I've built  to follow it. The courage to start over! To learn, to change, to evolve, TO LIVE!

Light and love to everyone and see you along the way.


Sunday 15 December 2013

And I thought I wouldn't make to Scandinavia: Norway here I go!

Oh yeah! Heading up very, very north to Norway over New Year's Eve to see the northern lights.
Destination Trondheim! There we go!

Thanks to my dear travel gals, Anja and Frauke, which came up with the idea and sorted out all details.
Now it's just to cross the fingers and hope for northern lights to show up.


Friday 13 December 2013

Packing again!

"Oh well! Thats me packing again! When is it finally going to finish?"

I lost the record of how many times I've pronounced this setence in my life. In such moments there is always this weird sensation, these mixed feelings of melancholy and joy, sadness and excitement. I'm sure many of you faced the same situation and struggled, at least a bit, with the same feeling. Fact! That's me again!

Anyway, although packing again I can't wait for the moment when I walk out the door, dragging these luggages and with my heart longing for challenges, learning and growing. It feel just great!

"May the life's last turn be the best one."

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Last day in the office...

The big changes started happening!

Today is my last day in the all! No alarm early in the morning, no hectic in the lunch time and no stress due to not working car parts.

It's been a challenging time, a period of personal and professional development. But now it's time to move further! There is this famous and kinda cliche but completely true setence: life goes on!

Time for Kenya now. Exactly in one month.

Cheers everyone!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Kilkenny: the last stop in Ireland

After the great tour on Inishmore (Inis Mór) I headed back to Dublin to meet Travis Elenitsky and have a couple of beers in the "fair city." From there we took the bus next day to Kilkenny (Irish Cill Chainnigh) with no specific plan. Just intending to have a good time.
Gate of the St. Canice's Cathedral in Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh).
Once there we discovered the city's very medieval atmosphere best recognizable in Kilkenny castle, St. Canice's Cathedral, the Rothe House and the Black Abbey.
Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh) Castle.
A 12th century castle remodeled in the Victorian time.
The Kilkenny Castle.
Pano of the Kilkenny Castle and its gardens. Oh! and that black point right on the pic is Travis.
But who is Travis?
Travis is originally from California, USA, and has been traveling around the world since Mai/13. I first got to know him through Couchsurfing, when he came Munich in Juli/13 and crashed on my spare mattress for a few nights. A few weeks later he came back to Munich to party on Oktoberfest. After that we ended up meeting again in Ireland, now in Kilkenny, and the next plan is to meet in Nairobi next January, after I move to Kenya.
Kids having fun on the Kilkenny Castle' gardens.
River Nore (Irish An Fheoir) view from Kilkenny Castle.
St. Canice's Cathedral
it has been a site for Christian worship led by St. Canice in the 6th century, the Cathedral was erected in the 13th century.
Graveyard at the St. Canice's Cathedral.
A real medieval feeling through the B&W lenses. I specially like the Irish crosses (Irish cros Cheilteach) with their unique and very characteristic design.
 The St. Canice's Cathedral.
Travis' shadow at the St. Canice's Cathedral.
At the St. Canice's Cathedral.
Kilkenny like all the other Irish cities hat what Ireland's has to offer best, pubs and good bier. On the Parliament Street there a few options, literally, in a row: The Pumhouse, Lohs Restaurant, John Cleere, Brewery Corner and Phelans.

Pubs on the Parliament Street, Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh)
The Rothe House is essential part of the history of Kilkenny. Built in 1594 by John Rothe, the merchant's townhouse consists of three houses with courtyards.
Interior of the Rothe House.
Roof of the first House in the complex of the Rothe House.
Many artifacts of the history of the city are exposed in the museum in the Rothe House.
Passage between the first and the second house.
Well, Kilkenny was the last stop in my round trip in Ireland and Northern Ireland. It was definitely a great choice to see some of those countries, to meet my friends, visit incredibly beautiful landscapes and to experience the Irish warmth. I can only recommend! One day, in case Ill be back to Europe, I will definitely come back to the fair city on the island of green.

Hope you enjoyed as much as I did and feel like visit Ireland and Northern Ireland as well.

Cheers peeps!