Tuesday 5 February 2013

The ones Im proud of: Part I

Around 1500 pictures resulted from my three week work and travel in East Africa, more exactly Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. I practising the photography more for fun and learning purposes than something else, and this is the reason why it makes so much fun. What else is it supposed to be about?

Anyway, from that amount of pictures there are a few I am really proud of having taken. What makes me that proud is the fact that I photograph mostly people, human beings, what is really a big challenge for me. First because I am not used to it and latter, not everyone is up to be picture by someone, so I generally hesitate on asking someone for a picture. Since the latter wasn't any problem in Kenya, because everyone is so willing to get pictured,  I didn't have to ask. So! I could "try and experiment" freely. That made things much easier!

Below the first selection of the ones I am proud of. Enjoy them!

Grandma with baby in the market in Chwele, Kenya.
Most of the pictures were taken during my wanderings in Chwele, Western Kenya, where I spent few days doing some voluntary work.
Boy with onions. Chwele, Kenya.
In the streets, in the market and shops everyone wanted to get pictured by the mzungu (Kiswahili word for "white men"), specially the children.
Onions seller in the market. Chwele, Kenya.
After learning the sentence "unapiga picha?" ("can I take a picture?" in Kiswahili) things got more easier.
Children. Chwele, Kenya.
The picture below shows Esther and her mum preparing lunch in their place. Esther is one of the children supported by the German Open Hearts e.V. (www.openhearts.jimdo.com). She goes to the Western Special School for death and mentally challenged children in Chwele, also supported by another international aid. She lives with her mum in one room clay house in the outskirts of Chwele. We visited them while they were cooking beans and corn (meize) for lunch. Since they don't have any kitchen they do it outside using wood to cook.
Esther and her mum cooking. Chwele, Kenya.
Boy repairing his cart. Chwele, Kenya.
Nicole, in the picture below, and her siblings were my hosts in the house of the family Matimbai. Such brave children! They were my Kisiwahili teachers. I had a great time with them.
Nicole. Chwele, Kenya.
Children transporting sugar can on the bicycle. Chwele, Kenya.
This one I am specially proud of. It was just a great surprised seeing this mum with her twins asking me to picture them. I love it!
Mum with twins. Chwele, Kenya.
This is also a great one! The girl first refused to be photographed but after a second try she accepted and made me really happy, since I wanted picture her badly.
Girl with a knife. Chwele, Kenya.
Policemen. Chwele, Kenya.
Part II with more of my favourites coming soon!

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