Sunday 10 February 2013

Plaster cast goes classic in Munich

No! It’s not the Louvre. One can see Nike from Samothrake here though!
Plaster cast of Nike from Samothrake. 
The words simplicity, authenticity and beauty describe the Museum of plaster cast of classical sculptures the best. It belongs to the chair of Classical Archeology of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. If a trip to the Louvre in Paris or to the Uffizi in Florence is to hard to manage, this is the place to go.
Entrance at the Katarina-von-Bora-Straße, 10, Munich.

Hundreds of plaster casts of the most famous classical Roman and Greek sculptures are distributed in the two blocks of the building in the Katarina-von-Bora-Straße, 10 in Munich.
Plaster cast of Laocöon.
Plaster cast of  Marsyas under Apollo's punishment.
Plaster cast of the discobulos.
The exposition is nicely organized in the foyers, along the corridors and between the offices on the basement and in the further 2 floors. This very informal structure for a museum gives it an unpretentious atmosphere.
Foyer of the first block.
Foyer of the second block.
View of the basement.
Through the transparent ceiling the whole ambient gets naturally illuminated, specially in sunny days, and makes out of the whole museum a laboratory for the ones interested in photography like me. With my music on and my camera I literally lost the notion of time in there and spent hours taking lots of pictures.
View of the ceiling.
View of the ceiling.
I took me a few attempts till I finally managed to visit the Museum of  plaster cast but believe me, I was truly amazed by it after I did. So amazed I came back a few days later.
I strongly recommend it, specially for those who enjoy a quiet and unique environment, whether for a coffee with a friend, some drawing study or a few photographic experiments.
In the little coffee corner upstairs in the second building one can unwind and enjoy the whole atmosphere.

Plaster cast of the "discobulus stepping up".

IMPORTANT: The museum is opened from Mon. - Fri. between 10am and 8pm. Not during the weekend since it is an instance of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
For the very same reason NO entrance fee is charged ( It's true!). A donation by leaving the facility is most welcome though. Once being there everyone will realise where to do it.
For more information visit
Plaster cast of the kneeling Persian.

Plaster cast of pan and olympus.

Plaster cast of the dead giant.

Hope you enjoyed as much as I did!

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