Sunday 26 October 2014

On the rapids of the Nile River

I really have a good curriculum when the talk is about unexpected environments and crazy adventures but this one has been so far the greatest traveling experience I've ever had: a day on a dingy boat on the Nile river paddling trough a few level 5 rapids. Fun is guaranteed!

To reach the location where the whole adventure starts we drove up north almost one hour starting from Jinja. Reaching the river side some security training took place, groups were formed_four to six people plus guide on a dingy_and the fun could begin.

Already in the first rapid, one of the highests, one can expect the boat will flip. Said an done! BAAAM!

Everyone flies into the water, is dragged down for a few seconds, gets on the surface, the groups gets together, unflip the boat and the fun goes on. Scream and shout is also allowed.

On the very beginning you'll get that bad feeling in your stomach, be a bit scared or even ask yourself: "What the heck I'm down here?. Immediately before the first rapid you also may think: "Fuck! There it comes!" But after the third one the adrenaline goes up, you get the feeling for the whole thing and just wanna have more.

The flipping of the boats is actually all what it's about. The excitement before, the physical effort while in the rapid and the victory after it. Whether the whole crew landed in the water or not the outcome is always pure adrenaline.

Besides the yelling an shouting and people pulling each other back on the dingy we had our paddling sessions on the quiet segments of the river. Then we had enough time to enjoy the fantastic scenery.

The rapids are also a place to get to know people. Oh yes! Imagine you sharing a boat on the Nile with people you never met before, in a wonderful sunny day and all that fun. Definitely people get to talk to each other, tell their stories, tell about what brought them to Africa and at the end of the day you will have, in worst case, an additional Facebook friend.

Those were almost 30 km, around 6 hours on the Nile and, if I remember well, we went through 8 rapids and landed in the water in at least half of them. In one of the last rapids, a "weaker"one, we were allowed by the crew to jumping in "in the case we wanted.". Guess what I did? Fuuuuuun!

If you're planing to travel to Africa any time soon, include a stop in Jinja, Uganda, and book a one day rafting adventure. A whole package, including some free camping, can be booked at the Nile River Explorers ( either in Jinja town or in the campsite on the Bujagali Falls.

Well I don't think I have to say I recommend, do I?  It's an experience for life.

Lovely peeps don't forget: "The world is small and we are free."
Cheers everyon!

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