Sunday 29 May 2016

Guinea, abo I kin?

Guinea, abo I kin? (creole: Guinea, who are you?)

The Ol´Grande Hotel downtown Bissau still standing. PRIVATE PICTURE.

Colonized by the Portuguese as the Portuguese Guinea.

The apparatus for the #warga tea in the streets of #Bissau#.

Got Independent in 1973 and is called Guinea-Bissau since then to avoid confusion with Guinea, previously French Guinea. Bissau is actually the name of its capital.

Sunday afternoon mood in Bissau. PICTURE PRIVATE.

The largest part of the population speaks Crioulo, a language derived from Portuguese. A smaller percentage speaks the colonial Portuguese. Many ethnical languages like Balanta, Mandinga, Fula are still strongly represented.

A proper place for a cold beer in #Bissau. PRIVATE PICTURES.

"Kuma ku bo manzi?" means "How did you get up today?" in Crioulo and is a common way of greeting.

Immortalizing the #Bissau harbor in B&W. PRIVATE PICTURE.

Population of approximately 1.700.000 inhabitants.

Reminiscence of the luso presence in #Bissau. PICTURE PRIVATE.

Guinea-Bissau has an area larger than Belgium and smaller than the Netherlands.

Old #Bissau still reflects the signs of its golden age.

Guinea-Bissau was one of the main spots in the African continent for the ¨exportation¨ of slaves to the western countries.

Bissau harbor. PRIVATE PICTURE.

Guinea-Bissau´s GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world as well as its Human Development Index.

At the gate to the Atlantic in the Bissau harbor. PRIVATE PICTURE.

Bissau downtown mood. PRIVATE PICTURE.

The country is divided in eight regions: Bafata, Biombo, Bissau (the capital), Bolama, Cacheu, Gabu, Oio, Quinara e Tombali.

Bissau harbor inspires melancholy. PRIVATE PICTURE.

In 2010 almost half of the Guinean population was under 15 years of age [source].

Downtown mood in Bissau. PRIVATE PICTURE.