Wednesday 11 June 2014

Across the African continent

There we go!

After a long time of planning and preparation I am leaving on a long journey to get to know more of Central and Southern African countries.
With me, my travel companion And good friend, Roman Köppl.
Starting in Chwele, the place I currently call home, we will first head to Uganda, where some rafting on the Nile river and tropical forest hiking are planed. From there we'll move further to Rwanda and cross the country walking. Further down we want to enter Burundi an from its capital, Bujumbura, take a ferry on the Tanganyika lake and enter Tanzania in Kigoma.

Further south we will reach Malawi and spend a fee days exploring the forests and lakes in the southern part of the country. After Malawi the next destination are the Victoria waterfalls in Zambia. For that we may travel across the country and stop by at the capital Lusaka.

From Zambia my friend Roman goes back home and I move further, alone at first, to Botswana. Some safari is planed for the country of the Okavango delta.
The next great adventure is going to be on the Kalahari desert in Namibia, where I'll be heading to after Botswana. Stops in Windhoek, Swakopmund and at the skeleton coast are included.

The almost two months long journey will finish in South Africa with some mountain hiking, a few days in Cape Town and Jo'burg. A visit to the table mountain is included and the accommodation in Soweto already booked.

The excitement about getting to know more of this continent, it's people and nature is tremendous :). I'm hoping for a great time, awesome adventures and unforgettable memories with my friend Roman and those I may meet "along the way."

First stop Uganda :D

Cheers everyone!