Tuesday 29 October 2013

Back on the island of green

Ready for the last trip in Europe before leaving it. Yes!
Soon I'll be leaving Germany after 13 years on the Germanic ground. But this is stuff for the next post. This one is intended to be the initial report about my last trip in European.

Destination, better, destinations are Ireland and Northern Ireland. Roaming around the island of green and meeting my bro Junior in Dublin, my friend Will in Belfast and the globetrotter Travis Elenytski somewhere along the way.

Besides Dublin and Belfast, the Giants Causeway, Sligo, Limerick, cliffs of Moher, lots of nature and the local beer are in the plan.

It sounds just perfect for a farewell trip in Europe. Excited! Yay!
That's me along the way!


Monday 28 October 2013

About changes and the ground

It may sound a bit weird but this post is about a building, more exactly, about the construction of building.

Almost involuntarily I've been following the construction of this building for a while, for a long while actually. I stood by it at least once a week observing it from different perspectives. Additionally the weekly appointments in that vicinity I frequently walked or cycled past that place, and realized its presence and the changes it was going through. Kinda randomly and letting the impulse of photographing to take over me I collected a number of shots of it and registered some stages of its development. Last time I pictured it, it was standing, looked like no big changes would come upon it anymore. It seemed to be ready. Coincidentally, I was about to have my last meeting by then.

I don't know what was standing on that very place before. Maybe an older building, or a house. Whatever it was, needed improvements, some changes. It possibly didn't fulfill its function anymore. Maybe it didn't fit to the way the neighborhood looks like, maybe someone just saw the possibility of earn a lot money buy removing the old building and putting up a more modern and functional one on its place. I don't now! And I can't do nothing but speculate. Fact is it was time to change, to empty it, demolish the old walls going down till the foundation. To get rid of the huge piles of debris produces during the process. It was time for something new to come.

For the new foundations and the new walls contractors had to be hired, concrete, sand, water, metal had to be delivered, cranes had to be lift up and scaffolds assembled. These are the basics for a new construction. The workers and the materials! What about the non-material? What about a plan? A plan is needed. Oh! And the most important: time. It must be worked night and day, during summer as well as winter. To rise up a new building substituting an old one is long and complex process. It needs time!

Lets go to the work: lay a new foundation, a very strong one, to give the new building stability and hold. To lift up new walls comes next: brick by brick cautiously, giving the whole building a new shape, separating floors and the rooms, redefining the space. Then the new doors and windows. It also needs water installation and electricity. Light, light is essential! For the  external finishing some color has to be applied.

A new building deserves a new face and nothing better than a new color to solve the problem. Yes! It's seems like everything was put together and it's standing. I suppose things went more or less this way. Now its standing!

Two years it took till the new building stood as a whole, till I could start picturing it from down upwards. It's standing on the place another construction, old and not functional one stood before. It's modern, clean, built with new materials and new technology. It looks very solid, stronger and will surely last longer. It's more resistant against bad weather conditions, fulfills higher safety requirements and, maybe not essential but surely also important, looks awesomely good. Surely better than the older one, however it may looked like. It really does!

One important aspect besides all these changes has to be considered. The base for the existence of this building and maybe the only thing that couldn't be changed during the whole construction process  the ground. The ground, on which it's standing, it's still the very same that supported the older construction, and the construction before that. It was there before and will be there till the end, till the next change is needed and this brand new and shinning building must be substituted. It doesn't matter what happens on the surface, if it gets a new color, new material, bigger rooms, or some tree is planted. The very foundation of this building is in it and this piece of earth is unchangeable.

Whatsoever! Its finished and standing upright!

Cheers peeps!